Teaching Opportunities / Meetings
- Anaesthetic consultant ward rounds on labour ward occur at 08.00 daily. Please wait for the duty consultant to be present before commencing hand-over.
- The bleep holder 9404 should also attend the Obstetric team’s handover +/- HDU round at 0830, 1300 and 1700 hours.
- Every Thursday morning there are designated teaching / academic sessions for anaesthesia. If elective sections have finished, the only SpR who will not be able to attend is the first on for labour ward. The content of these sessions varies but will concentrate on obstetric matters suitable for senior anaesthetic trainees. Once per month there is a half-day post-graduate forum organized by the directorate of Women & Children. All Gynaecology lists are cancelled for this session.
- Every Tuesday morning there is a combined meeting with Obstetricians & Obstetric medicine colleagues to discuss high-risk cases.
- On Wednesday afternoonsTrainees are also welcome to attend the consultant run anaesthetic assessment clinic.
- One trainee will be invited to attend Directorate Risk Management meetings as an observer. (times tbc)
- QCCH Bleep numbers and roles
- Journal clubs occur on an ad hoc basis as workload permits.
Protocols and Guidance
It is the policy of our department to issue anaesthetic guidelines that should be used in clinical activity. Since they are not protocols, strict adherence is not required. However deviation from the management suggested by the guidelines should be discussed with the duty consultant and this should be documented.
You will also be given a copy of the ‘Delivery Suite guidelines’ for which the same suggestions apply.
Library Facility
The hospital/ Imperial College library is on the 1st floor of the Commonwealth building. Doctors are given access to electronic journals. Some books and journals belonging to the department or individual consultants are available from Enda (department secretary) on request.
Computer Access
There are terminals, (with Internet access) in the labour ward anaesthetic office and the department, available for use by trainees. All trainees are issued with a hospital e-mail address. The terminal in the labour ward office is also used for departmental audit information.
Personal files should not be saved to the hard disk, please use your P-drive.