Junior doctors in training posts and private patients- advice for trainees
April 2016
The Trust provides private healthcare on each of the three main campuses. There has in the past been confusion regarding the provision of care for these patients and the responsibility of the doctors in training if called to the private wards or theatres. This statement clarifies the position for all doctors in training grades.
The private patient wards on the three campuses have Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) employed to provide care for patients.
Patient routine care is provided wholly by these RMOs and there is no requirement for trainees working in the NHS to attend the private wards to deliver routine care.
In the event of an emergency the trainee is expected to provide cover. The trainee response to an emergency is to provide immediate support until the relevant RMO and consultant can attend the patient. This does not include routine siting of cannulae, dealing with PCAs or other infusions or clerking patients.
In addition the trainees may be involved in the care of private patients if this is educational and has training benefit. They should not be involved in private work of no educational value including routine assisting in theatre.
Private patients in NHS beds are cared for by trainees supervised by consultants in the same way as NHS patients.
Professor Jamil Mayet Professor Tim Orchard Professor TG Teoh